Questions you may want to ask about Outsourcing


What is the goal of outsourcing?

Before embarking on your outsourcing journey, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your objectives and goals. Determine the reasons why you want to outsource, such as reducing labor costs or freeing up time for important business activities and use them as your targets to achieve through outsourcing. However, many businesses fail in outsourcing because of unrealistic objectives, so it’s important to keep your goals more ‘down to earth’.

Here are some questions you may want to ask before starting this journey.

Which services or tasks should I outsource?

The answer is that you can outsource any process that your company requires. If you’re new to outsourcing, it’s advisable to start with non-core services. This will allow you to gain a better understanding of how outsourcing works before moving on to more intricate tasks and expanding your outsourcing program. These services can be anything from back-office tasks such as finance and accounting, customer support, IT services, web design, marketing services etc.

How do you ensure that your data is protected?

In today’s world, safeguarding data and protecting business operations have become increasingly crucial. This is because data security and privacy are essential in preventing the loss of revenue, particularly when it comes to customer information. By ensuring the security of data, you can maintain and enhance your brand reputation, adhere to ethical standards, and gain an advantage over competitors.

When outsourcing, it is vital to identify the data that needs to be transferred, the timing and the method of transfer. Additionally, selecting a reliable service provider and storing data in a secure system with backup in a different location are essential measures to protect your data and business from potential problems.

It is also beneficial to partner with a service provider that has obtained essential data protection certifications such as ISO and GDPR compliance, which can significantly impact your business’s success by ensuring the security of your data and business.

Are small businesses eligible for outsourcing services?

Many people believe that only large companies can outsource and that small businesses don’t need it because they have limited processes. However, this is a misconception as outsourcing is available to anyone who needs support in their business operations, including small businesses. In fact, outsourcing can be advantageous for small businesses because it provides access to professional workers at a lower cost than hiring them in-house. Additionally, outsourcing can help small businesses scale up and stay competitive.

How important is transparency in outsourcing?

The importance of transparency in outsourcing lies in building successful business relationships based on trust. By being transparent, the outsourcing company should provide a clear communication and updates on operations to the client, documenting every task and result. This ensures that both parties are on the same page and helps establish trust between them, which is crucial for a successful outsourcing partnership.

Furthermore, in the event of problems, transparency is key. The client should be open with the outsourced staff and third-party company about any issues and seek to understand the cause, while also sharing suggestions to prevent occurrences. Regular check-ins, meetings, and reports can help maintain transparency and minimize potential problems. Ultimately, full transparency is necessary for a successful outsourcing partnership and for deciding whether to continue working with a chosen service provider.


Outsourcing can bring numerous benefits to companies, but it requires careful planning, assessment, and management to ensure success. By asking the right questions and addressing potential challenges, companies can make informed decisions and leverage outsourcing to achieve their strategic objectives.